Visitors welcome anytime!
Saturday and Sunday: 8:00 - 5:00
Weekdays: By chance or by appointment.
351 South Shirkshire Road
Conway, MA 01341
Phone: (413) 772-9065


Locally Grown Plants
Buy hardy, locally grown shrubs, perennial flowers, herb plants, and annuals directly from the grower. Tour our demonstration gardens for ideas and inspiration. Receive sound gardening advice from a seasoned professional.
Choose from our collection of vibrant trees and shrubs especially selected to thrive in our climate.
Varieties include native and pollinator plants, food-source plants for birds and humans, as well as a fantastic selection of flowering shrubs.

Annuals and Perennials
We offer perennial flowers, native varieties, and an extensive collection of shade plants that are propagated right here at WHG to ensure their hardiness. Our selection of annual plants includes long-blooming types perfect for your gardens, containers, and cut flowers.
Organically Grown Herbs
You’ll find culinary, medicinal and ornamental herb plants, many propagated right here.

Small Fruits and Berries
We carry a healthy section of High Bush Blueberry, Current, Gooseberry, Elderberry, and native Yezberry bushes. Why not grow a few attractive and delicious fruit bushes in your own backyard?