Visitors welcome anytime!
Saturday and Sunday: 8:00 - 5:00
Weekdays: By chance or by appointment.
351 South Shirkshire Road
Conway, MA 01341
Phone: (413) 772-9065

We'd love to hear from you!

How to find us
From the South:
Rt. 116 to Conway. Just past the center of town, take a hard right onto Shelburne Falls Road. Proceed 1.7 miles to a fork in the road. Go left at the fork, up the hill toward Shelburne Falls. 1.6 miles from the fork, turn left onto Pine Hill Road. Take first right onto South Shirkshire Road. Wilder Hill Gardens is 0.6 miles on the left. Look for the sign, and the barn with a blue roof.
From the North
Rt. 2 to Shelburne Falls. Cross the bridge into Buckland and take a hard left along the river on Conway Street. The road turns right, then left. Two miles from the railroad tracks, take a right onto Wilder Hill Road. Take an immediate left onto South Shirkshire Road. 1.4 miles on the right is Wilder Hill Gardens. Look for sign, and the barn with a blue roof.